Protected Education Time
We are closed one afternoon per month for valuable staff training. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, but we do our best to give as much notice as possible via posters, notices around the Surgery and on our Facebook page. Patients are expected to ring 111 during these times.
In line with our practice policy, all patients are entitled to have a chaperone present at the time of the examination. Please ask at reception or speak to the doctor. Kindly note also, in particular, it is practice policy to have a chaperone present during intimate examinations.
Before carrying out an examination or procedure clinician will seek your agreement. You may decline to undergo any examination if you wish.
The practice complies with Data Protection, Access to Medical Records legislation and GDPR regulations. Identifiable information about you will be shared with others in the following circumstances:
-To provide further medical treatment for you e.g. from district nurses and hospital services.
-To help you get other services e.g. from the social work department. This requires your consent.
-When we have a duty to others e.g. in child protection cases.
Anonymised patient information will also be used at a local and national level to help the Health Board and Government plan services e.g. for diabetic care.
If you do not wish anonymous information about you to be used in such a way, please let us know.
We keep a carers’ register. Please make us aware if you either care for someone or are being cared for. There are help and funding available for carers. Please visit for more information.
Zero Tolerance
In concordance with the NHS guideline, Avenham Surgery operates an NHS Zero Tolerance Policy with regard to violence and abuse and the practice has the right to remove violent patients from the list with immediate effect in order to safeguard practice staff, patients and other persons. Violence in this context includes actual or threatened physical violence or verbal abuse which leads to fear for a person’s safety. This means that anyone who is abusive, verbally or physically, will be regretfully removed from our list of registered patients. Threatened members of staff may also call the police. In this situation, we will notify the patient in writing of their removal from the list and record in the patient’s medical records the fact of the removal and the circumstances leading to it.
If you feel the need to complain about any aspect of the practice in the first instance please contact the surgery. Any formal complaints will have to be put in writing with details addressed to the practice manager.
Your complaint will be dealt with in accordance with the complaints procedure we have in place. If you are happy with the service you have received we would appreciate it if you could leave us a review on our Google Website.
Patients are welcome to leave feedback. There are feedback forms in the waiting area or via the ‘Friends and Family Test.’ Please ask at reception regarding this.
Insurance Medicals
We are happy to perform medical examinations for insurance companies, HGV and PSV Medicals, etc. and time is set aside for this purpose. There will be a charge for these non-NHS services. Please note these are carried out only for registered patients.
Parking Facility
There is parking available behind the main building. This is for staff and patients only.
There is a lift available onsite for those that may need it.