Taking sick leave
The following is the latest DWP guidance.
Sicknote- ‘’Employees only need a fit note from a doctor after 7 days off work sick. If they are ill just before or during their holiday, they can take it as sick leave instead.
Employees must give their employer a doctor’s ‘fit note’ (sometimes called a ‘sick note’) if they’re off sick for more than 7 days in a row (including non-working days).
Self Certification– If less than 7 days, employers can also ask employees to fill in a form when they return to work to confirm they’ve been off sick for up to 7 days. This is called ‘self-certification’. Employers usually provide their own version of this form.
Hospital doctors or GPs can provide a fit note. They may charge a fee if the note is asked for before the 7th day. The fit note will say the employee is either ‘not fit for work’ or ‘may be fit for work’.
If it says the employee ‘may be fit for work’, employers should discuss any changes that might help the employee return to work (e.g. different hours or tasks). The employee must be treated as ‘not fit for work’ if there’s no agreement on these changes.
Blood tests/ X-rays/ Scan Requests
Blood samples are taken in the Community Health Centres in various phlebotomy clinics. Patients can attend any of the other clinics in Preston(timetable in reception). If you do not have or have lost your form, please do not hesitate to ask at reception for another one. To hand in any samples please do so by 2:30pm weekdays.
Kindly note that if you are asked to give a “Fasting Sample”, you must have nothing to eat or drink from midnight the previous evening. However, you can drink water to take medication and/or clean teeth.
We will generally contact any patients that require any medications or follow-up on the test results. We will not usually call if the results are normal and no action needed, but patients are encouraged to call after 1 week if they have not heard from the surgery. X-ray and scan results can take up 2 weeks.
Annual Reviews
Patients with Angina, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Heart Disease, Peripheral Vascular Disease, COPD, Asthma, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Learning Disability, Mental Health Illnesses and some kidney problems will be invited and should attend for an annual review with a Doctor, Nurse or HCA. Some patients will need blood tests as part of their review. Please bring your medication, including inhalers if used, to your review visit. However if you feel your condition has worsened or you are worried do not hesitate to contact the surgery sooner for a review.
Health Checks
For patients aged 16 to 75 years who have not attended within three years (or for over 75s, within one year) the practice offers an appropriate health check on request. Appointments for all health checks can be made with the Practice Nurses who are trained in health promotion and will concentrate on blood pressure, diet, weight, smoking, alcohol consumption, exercise, urine testing and blood tests for cholesterol where appropriate. Home visits can be arranged if necessary.
The practice also offers Health Checks to patients aged 40 to 74 years as part of the NHS Health Check programme. Invitations are extended on a five yearly cycle.