Avenham Surgery has a PPG, we aim to meet every 8-12 weeks. All patients are free to attend. The feedback and discussions during these meetings are welcome. The dates of such meetings are advertised. Please fill in an expression of interest slip if you would like to become involved or pop in at our next meeting, this can be found at reception.
Please find our PPG meeting ‘Agendas & Minutes’ below:
- PPG Meeting (February 2018)
- PPG Meeting (April 2018)
- PPG Meeting: Frenchwood & Avenham Merger (March 2019)
- PPG Meeting (August 2019)
- PPG Meeting (December 2019)
- PPG Meeting (May 2022)
In future, if any patients would like to provide feedback or put forward topics for discussion by the PPG, please kindly complete this form and hand it to reception.