Repeat Prescription
Repeat prescriptions can be ordered:
- via reception by completing the medication request form
- by telephoning the prescription line on: 01772 503499 – OPTION 2 (Monday – Friday: 9.30am to 11am or 3pm to 4pm)
- By using the online Patient Access system. If you would like to register to use this facility please call into reception with photographic ID.
Please allow 24-48 hours for repeat prescriptions.
We advise patients to order their medications at least 2 days before they are due to run out.
In special circumstances e.g. vulnerable patient, the chemist may order for the patient.
Electronic Prescription Service (EPS)
Most prescriptions are now signed, sent and processed electronically. Patients can choose to nominate a pharmacy for their medication to be sent to. You can collect your medicines or appliances without having to hand in a paper prescription. This can be done by contacting the nominated pharmacy or via the NHS app. The nomination will be visible to both the GP practice and the pharmacy.
Controlled Drugs/medications
Kindly note we closely monitor and regulate the prescription of controlled and sedating medications. We also work closely with the local CCG led medications optimisation team. Patients will be notified if any changes are made to their medications.